Tuesday, November 23, 2010


My dream trip that I have planned to Vancouver and Whistler very accurately reflects my personality. I am a very active person who gets bored very easily. Therefore I enjoy cramming as many activities into a week as I can. These activities range from down hill skiing and ziplining to shopping and eating. I also would really enjoy interacting with the locals and other tourists because I am a very social person. Many people who travel to Vancouver would be interested in the cultural aspects such as art museums and Chinatown, but these things do not appeal to me as much and therefore I would not include them in my dream trip.

I truly believe that travelling is the best way to learn, not only about history and culture but also about yourself and others. I feel that this trip would teach me a lot about the beautiful west coast of my country that I have never seen as well as strengthen my friendships with the people I share it with. This knowledge in addition to the experience itself are the reasons why this trip is my dream trip for the year 2013.

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